Notwork Newsletter #1

Monday, December 8th, 2014

Notwork highlights engineering projects that seek to amuse, entertain, or simply explore what's possible with the technology we take for granted everyday.

What can I expect to see on Notwork
  • Code that does nothing particularly useful
  • Programmatic music that may make your ears bleed
  • The "Internet of Things", but with more solder and less marketing
  • Generative art that will burn up your CPU
  • Projects that will inspire you


Boiling Sous-Vide Eggs using Clojure's Transducers

"I already have a sous-vide setup... but I have none that run Clojure." -
Hacking Sonos

A thorough look at one engineers quest to build a better Sonos controller, starting by reverse engineering the API with wireshark and finishing with a Raspberry Pi controlled geofence. -
Beer Caps to Coffee Tables | HumanGeo

Anyone can build a beer cap coffee table, but what if you wanted to sort the caps by hue and saturation. Python and OpenCV to the rescue. -
Parable of Polygons - A simulation of segregation in society

Nice simulations attached to the article -
Sonic Pi - A free sound synthesizer for live coding

Probably one of the easiest ways to get started live coding music. -
Evolve images using simulated annealing

The creator of Redis releases old code from 2008 to generate SVG's from images -
This is what happens when two pixel-mashing bots get in a Twitter fight

After around 20 iterations each, one of the authors pulled the plug leaving us with this final image -
Automated system that trains rats to trade the bond market

I've already put my 401k with them. -

The Rest

Voxelstein 3D - A Voxel rendered Wolfenstein 3d -
Blip -
Polygon art generator -
makemeasandwich.js -
Unfinished Astroids -